Andrzej Sokolowski |
Eleanor Stillman |
Güçkan Yapar |
Department of Statistics |
School of Mathematics and Statistics |
Department of Statistics |
Cracow University of Economics, Poland |
The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom |
Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey |
Abstract |
Hak-Keung Lam |
Hamza Erol |
Jie Chen |
Department of Informatics |
Department of Computer Engineering |
Biostatistics and Data Science |
King’s College London, United Kingdom |
Mersin University, Turkey |
Augusta University, USA |
Mu-Yen Chen |
Saleha Habibullah |
Tim O’Brien |
Department of Information Management |
Department of Statistics |
Department of Mathematics and Statistics |
National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan |
Kinnaird College for Women, Pakistan |
Loyola University Chicago, USA |
Abstract |
Wali Khan Mashwani |
Department of Mathematics |
Kohat University of Science & Technology, Pakistan |